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Control Device Course Program Course Book ©2010 Saa riland 020 811 B-0211 Saariland Training Group (STG) programs are or educational purposes only and are designed to enhance knowledge and skills used by law enorcement, corrections, military, and licensed security personnel (co llectively, “law enorcem ent”) in their mission to protect and serve. STG does not dictate to law enorc ement agen cies any polic ies or proce dures or the sele ction or use o any o any law enorcement products, includ ing those manuactured or sold by Saaril and LLC. The development and implementation o Policy, Gene ral Orders or S tandard Operating Procedures is solely the responsibilit y o the law e norcement agen cy or depa rt ment. Although an agency or department may use STG traini ng and/ or cou rseware i n supp ort o its internal t raini ng o oice rs, Saari land i s not resp onsib le or the equipping or use o Saariland products, or any other company’s products, in the course or scope o an oicer’s duties. Language Proof Logic Solution Manual download free. : Saariland, LLC. Or Saariland Training Group (collectively, “Saariland”) does not authorize any agency personnel or trainer(s) to represent or act on beha l o Saariland. A Diploma o an STG inst ructor-level course does not authorize the recipient to act as a n agent or representative o Saariland.
Agency personnel or trainer(s) shall not represent or give the appearance o representing Saariland during any training that may or may not be provided by the agency personnel or trainer. STG courseware is subject to change without prior notice. Although, as part o the completion o an STG instructor-level course, Saariland authorizes the agency personnel or trainer to use STG courseware, STG does not authorize the reproduction or use o Saariland trademarks or any other markings identi ying Saariland or Saariland T raining Group. Agency personnel or trainers condu cting their indepen dent training courses shall spec iical ly disc lose that their training course is not by or on behal o Saariland nor authorized, sanctioned or sponsored by Saariland. It is impossible to predict, discuss or plan or every circumstance or situation which might arise in the course o a law enorcement oicer’s duties. Each law enorcement oicer must always take into consideration his/ her experience, physical abilities, proessional responsibilities, department policies and procedures and legal obligations.
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